

SACAU’s Strategic Framework, subtitled “The future we want: a well-performing, sustainable and globally competitive agricultural sector for southern Africa”, articulates the ambitions of the organisation for the period 2019 – 2023. Its overall objective is to promote the growth and development of a productive, inclusive, and globally competitive agricultural sector in southern Africa.

The framework is underpinned by three strategic areas of work (SAW), namely: (SAW1) Advocacy for a strong and well-performing agricultural sector in southern Africa; (SAW2) capacity development of farmers’ organisations (FOs); and (SAW3) the provision of strategic information to members and stakeholders. SAW1 is aimed at influencing policies that support the growth and development of an agricultural sector that is competitive and globally significant, while the SAW2 aims to strengthen the organisational and technical competencies of FOs. Lastly, SAW3 focuses on supporting informed choices and strategic decision making by farmers organisation and to enhance the image of agriculture in the region.

Projects, which are the main instrument for operationalising the strategy, and are developed and implemented within this framework, thereby minimising diversion from strategic intentions.